Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Firefox 3 Official Release

Today, at 10am PDT or 1pm Eastern, Mozilla will unveil the official release of Firefox 3. Go to spreadfirefox.com to help the record breaking attempt of most downloads in a 24 hour period. If you are unsure about the update, read my review on the late beta of Firefox 3.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

I just joined Webcast Academy!

Just wanted to let everybody know that I have signed up to participate as a webcast intern in the 3.x class of Webcast Academy at http://webcastacademy.net/, part of the Worldbridges network. I must say that I am really excited and cannot wait to start. If you have any suggestions or advice for me, leave it in the comments!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

SmallWorlds: Now in Public Beta

SmallWorlds, a new virtual world developed by New Zealand based Outsmart, was finally released into public beta today after over 18 months of private beta testing. SmallWorlds is a virtual world which integrates popular web2.o services such as YouTube, Flickr, Twitter, and Last.fm into a beautifully designed world where you can do such activities as dance, play games, or just hang with friends. I must say that I have never seen such a well designed and amazing service.

Using "pixel perfect" 3D-isometric graphics, SmallWorlds easily surpases the hardly decent graphics of Second Life and has the best graphics, by far, of any compition it may have. In addition to having stunning graphics, SmallWorlds also boasts integration with YouTube, Flickr, Twitter, and Last.fm through a variety of "widgets". These widgets come in the forms of flat screen TV's that play YouTube videos, picture frames cycling through Flickr images, and boomboxes/steroes/DJ stands that play music from Last.fm or Seeqpod online music services. Integration with more web2.0 services is high on the priority list for the development team, so expect more services appearing as development continues.

On top of all that, I am thrilled to say that the development team do come into the world with sparkling avatars with the last name of SmallWorlds. They are easily identified and always very friendly and helpful with anything concerns or comments that you have. I had the priviledge to sit down and talk with one of the moderators, in SmallWorlds, about the current development of SmallWorlds and we discussed other possible features and services that they could add. If you ever see any of them, let them know what a great job they've done and don't be afraid to ask questions or make suggestions, you may be surprised to find that what you suggest may already be there!

I went around the virtual world and took a handful of screenshots and posted them on Flickr. Use the links below to view the screenshots or visit the SmallWorlds website and create yourself an account. If ever end up on SmallWorlds, look me up (my name there is Webb Masters).


Flickr Screenshots:

SmallWorlds Site: